“Empowering the at risk and homeless population to achieve housing stability, self-sufficiency and secure support”
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GLOM Empowering Clients Through Life Skills Training

GLOM recently organized a life skills class aimed at empowering our clients to become more self-sufficient and independent individuals. Life skills, including financial literacy, communication, and problem-solving, were taught to equip residents with the tools necessary to navigate various aspects of daily life effectively. By providing this training, GLOM aims to support clients in acquiring the essential skills needed to thrive independently beyond their time with us.

The outcome of the life skills class is twofold: to instill confidence and promote self-sufficiency among our clients. Through mastering these skills, individuals gain the confidence to tackle challenges head-on and make informed decisions about their lives. As clients apply these skills in their daily routines, they are better equipped to achieve success, whether it be securing stable housing, finding employment, or pursuing further education. Ultimately, GLOM believes that empowering clients with life skills is key to fostering long-term success and self-reliance within our community.

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